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Question: In The Scarlet Letter!.!.!.!?
I have a few questions from chapters 1-3 in The Scarlet Letter!.
1!. What do Hester's memories in chapter 2 reveal about her past life!?

2!. How do the Puritan women in the crowd act toward Hester!? What kinds of comments do they make!? Which of them defends Hester!?

3!. Why has Hester not been sentenced to die for her crime!?

4!. What is Reverend Dimmesdale's attitude toward Hester!? Why do people admire and respect Dimmesdale!?

5!. Who does Hester recognize in the crowd!? Where has he been until now!?

6!. What "vow" does this stranger (the one she recognizes) make!?

7!. What "bitter but wholesome cup" does Dimmesdale say Hester is denying her partner in sin!?

I really do not understand this book and we have to read it for class!. If anyone can answer any of these questions it would be overly appreciated!. Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I can't give you the exact answers but I tell you where to look!.Www@QuestionHome@Com