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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does anyone know if stephenie meyer will eventually continue midnight sun?

Question: Does anyone know if stephenie meyer will eventually continue midnight sun!?
i feel so bad for Stephenie!.

hopefully she will continue the book though!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Nobody knows for sure!.
She isn't even sure!.
It's a sad story though!.!.!. Even more sad for the author, and so she will need time to heal!. Then she will need time to finish the book (which is a MUCH LONGER version of Twilight since Edward can go further into detail) and she will need to go through the editing and publishing process!.

It will take a while, maybe a year or two!.

Until anything is final, we all need to send fan letters of encouragement to Stephenie!.

Don't you just LOVE Twilight!? I know I do!Www@QuestionHome@Com

well from what i hear she is still really upset because the first twelve chapters were leaked without her consent and it would also be really depressing to have to write it in his Point Of View especially when he has to leave her and when shes in the hospital so really she is still indecisive about it but hopefully she will i would really love that but i believe that if her fans actually encourage her she will i know i will i love the twilight series!!!!

I doubt it!. An author is dead serious when it comes down to the Works In Progress (WIP)!. Just look at J!.K!. Rowling when she was still writing Harry Potter - she had people under lock and key with threats of lawsuits making sure people didn't spill the beans!. Meyer was a little bit more liberal and look what happened!.

She's standing up for her copyrights!. And when she says she's not going to continue it, I believe it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah i also feel bad for stephenie too, i really don't think any one knows at this point but i would give her a while until she finish the book! Have you read most of midnight sun yet!? if not then click on this link and you can read it!--> http://stepheniemeyer!.com/midnightsun!.ht!.!.!.
Hope i helpedWww@QuestionHome@Com

Why feel bad!? It was her own fault!. I think she will, she's just throwing a tantrum!. Leaking has happened to other BETTER authors, but they dont stop and whine, they finish their books!. Plus, she likes the attention!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont think she will, in an interview, she said it would just be too depressing to have to write in Edwards POV during New Moon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God, i hope so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com