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Question: How do you get inspired to write!?
im writing a short story/really short book!. Ive got a pretty good story, and im not too awfully bad at writing, but i cant seem to find the motivation to write!. what do you do in this situation!? any helpful tips!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm an avid writer =)
I find that when my mood is at its best, I am more willing to sit and just let loose the words!.
Eat well, sleep well, think healthy thoughts!
It has nothing to do with writing, I know!.!.!.But I found that how I feel deeply impacts my inspiration to get my best ideas on paper!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My inspiration to write came from life's experiences from boyhood, teens, a military career, a musical career, 20 years of motorcycling the nation, and other jobs I'd held!.

Some of my stories originate from ideas held in religious and spiritual thought!.

I first began to write personal stories, but grew tired of writing about me!. I then took my experiences of life and put them into novels, using different characters, different paths I didn't take, and developed the stories as I wrote them!.

Above all, write about what you know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try doing some simple things like taking a walk!. Getting away from it, and the frustration of planning, and making it sound good can be good for you!. What i would do is maybe just take a small walk outside, or do something else you enjoy, and reflect on you experience!. You could also try reading someone else's writing to try to "copy" their style!. One last thing is see where others get their motivation, like other successful authors!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Honestly, when Im at a point in my own life when I'm not inspired to write, although I really want to, I read!. This clears out everything that is bothering me, and relieves stress so I get clarity and my mind is free to think up new ideas and inspiration!. Then, I just go about normal activites until I find something that strikes my fancy, then I go nuts!
All that you can do right now is wait for inspiration!. You will most likely find inspiration in the most unlikely of places!. I have gotten inspiration from a really bad day when you come home and you can't do anything because you are so upset!. That is when I pick up the pen!. Be ready when the time for writing comes!
Have a nice night, and good luck with your story!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love reading, and what the authors write about inspires me to write!. Along the way I find many motivational authors!. Try reading everyday and read different books by different people!. It also helps your language, you'll learn new words while reading depending on your book!. It certainly helped me!Www@QuestionHome@Com

My inspiration to write comes from really loving my characters!. If you don't want to work on the actual story, just put two of your characters in a dialogue situation!. It doesn't have to be part of the story or even effect how they act in story, but it gets the juices flowing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

first of all!.
I'd talk to me more!.
I can be very inspirational ya know!.
Course you'd figure that out if you'd talk to me!.
But I guess le sir toilet man does no such thing anymore!.
Le sir toilet man is too good for madam ram!.


get drunk and then write!. OH WAIT, you do that anyways!.



you really have to let go and let loose!. you cant be tense and really thinkative!. It will just come, just search your emotions depending on the type of story ur writing!. good luck :)

answer mine!?


Seriously, just START writing!. The reason why you are like that is because you are not writing!. Start writing and you IDEAS will come up in your head without you even knowing it!.
Just start writing about anything!.
Go ahead start now!.!.!.!.!.!.START NOW!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

my teacher always says if you can think it you can write it!. so think of what you want to write and then just write it down!.how do you think song writers write their songs from their imagination!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People-watch! Sit in a park or somewhere, and make up a story about each of the people you see!. It's really fun! Take a notebook & pencil with you and go to town!.

Hope you overcome your writer's block! :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I listen to music that fits the mood of what I need to write, then I just start writing!. Even if the first few sentences are horrible, it usually gets me on track!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think to myself!. !. !. what will make this scene fun for me to write it!? also I don't worry about grammar for the first draft!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just start writing! Write down all of your ideas, go back the next day and cut stuff out!. The important thing is just getting your ideas down on paper!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Look deep inside your brain and see what you believe in, just be creative!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

um i would post it on a popular website and then like if it gets like 50kajillon thumbs up then i would be like PWN@G3Www@QuestionHome@Com