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Question: Easy ten points for you!! best story plots and names!?
I need a plot for a fictional/fantasy story!. and a name of the story and character names!. you can choose one or all three!. 10 points for best choices!! :P thank you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A boy is playing in his room, with his imaginary friend!. They go to the moon, fend off pirates, make ice cream out of glacial snow - pretty much everything normal imaginary friends do together!.

The boy (let's call him Tag) is teased by a group of classmates for his unnatural friendship!. They torment him, call him names, and threaten him for being different!. Finally they give him an ultimatum - if you ditch the 'invisible', you can hang out with the cool kids!. Tad is tired of being an outcast, and concedes!.

Fast forward to scenes of Tag hanging out with the cooler kids, who have now moved on to picking on a new target!. Tad continuously looks behind him, whispering messages of "go away!" and "please, I'm trying to be normal!" to his imaginary friend, who just won't give up on him!. Tad is reluctant to join in the torment of the new kid - a feeling that keeps building until breaking point!.

He's had it!. Upon realizing what a mistake he made, he walks over to the new kid, and invites him to the moon with him and his imaginary friend!.

The moral!? Stick with your real friends - even if they aren't real

This could take a fun surrealistic turn in the beginning, with Tag and his imaginary friend taking off on adventures all over the world (and possibly beyond) reminiscent of Calvin and Hobbes comics!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

A girl wakes up one day and finds herself in a land with witches, wizzards, and fairies!. They need her help to keep their world a secret and to protect the kingdom from the evil queen, who plans to destroy everything!. The girl finds out that she's part of the royal family from generations from a long time ago, and decides to help!. She has strong powers and uses them to her best abilities!. The girl's name could be!.!.!.!.Alice!. She could meet a guy who she eventually falls in love with, called, Thomas!. The evil queen could be Queen Ashley II!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would have it set back in Medieval times and have two opposite have to work together to sort out their differences!. One would be timid and shy, and one would be bold and daring!.
For girls:
Maria (timid, shy)
Isabell (bold, daring)

for boys:
William (timid, shy)
Christopher (bold, daring)

I think the details of the plot should be up to you! good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com