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Question: What is your favorite book from the Twilight Series!?
Hey this question is for those Twilight fans out there! Out of the four books of the Twilight series: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn, which one is your favorite and why!? AND (If you guys want to elaborate a bit more!.!.!.) Who are your top 3 favorite characters from the series!? Let's hear those answers! ;)

Additional Note: My favorite book from the series is Twilight, I would say that it's because of the way the story began between Bella and Edward!. The introduction to Forks and all of the characters, the whole mysterious and intriguing story behind the Cullen family!.!.!.There is just a lot of factors that I enjoyed from this book (don't get me wrong the rest of the series is awesome!)!.

My top three favorite characters would be:
Edward-his calm and collected way of being (mind-reading ability is awesome)
Alice-her very exuberant way of being, she's funny and very straightfoward
Jacob-he's very funny, I love it when he bugs the hell outta Rosalie and BellaWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
My favorite is Twilight!. I'm not exactly sure why it is, but I just enjoy the parts of this series where Edward and Bella are together and Twilight has a lot of that!. I also feel like it was written better than the others(but I absolutely love EVERY book in the series!.) Third, I just like to see the beginning stages of Edward and Bella's relationship!. Twilight is the one book I cannot stop reading over and over again!.

Breaking Dawn is a close second, though!. Everything that I wanted to happen, happened!. It was a perfect happy ending story, and I'm a happy ending kind of person!. Stephenie Meyer did an excellent job in these books!. I love them to death!

My 3 favorite characters are:
Edward- Hes just the perfect guy!. He would do anything for Bella!. Hes so protective and caring!.
Carlisle- Hes simply amazing!. Hes very kind and has wonderful "self control!."
Emmett- His sense of humor is the best!. I love it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love them all so much, lol
I guess if I really had to pick, it would tie with Twilight and Eclipse!.
Twilight- the whole thing was just so good, lol
Eclipse- i really loved the ending, with the fight and all!.
I REALLY disliked New Moon, it pissed me off!. I was legit cursing at the book!. (You know things are bad when laura's cursing at inanimate objects!.!.!.)
My favorite characters are probably Edward, Alice, Emmett, and Jake (in that order)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight is my favorite of the four books because it has the most realistic approach to the story and characters!. There is mystery and surprise!. The following books are fun, but the novelty is lost and it turns slightly soap opera-y!.

My top three favorite characters are Edward, Bella, and Rosalie!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My Favorite is Twilight followed by Breaking Dawn!.!.!.
Twilight because I thought that book was written the best and it was the book that made you fall in love with the series as well as forks and the characters!.

My favorite Characters!?
Of course Edward!.!.!. don't we all wish we had a man like that!? Rich, protective, beautiful on the inside and out that just spoils us to the core emotionally!?
Alice- she's just cute! I love everything about her!.
Emmett!.!.!. not sure why really!.!.!. it's his unique personality but I can't pinpoint it!.

My only favorite of the series is Twilight because Stephenie put the most emotion into it and she was only doing it for herself!.!.!.All the other books she was "forced" to do by her publisher and just were not the same!.
My favorite character is Alice and everyone else is so-so!.!.!.

My favorite book is Twilight, and I would tell you the reason but it would be TOOO long!

But my fav characters are:

Edward: He's so damn perfect!

Bella: She's pretty important

Jacob: I love Jacob and when he bugs the hell outta Bella, and is so funny!

Please pick me for Best AnswerWww@QuestionHome@Com

My favorite is Twilight :D
I just love it because it's like where it all began, and how they meet, and what everything evolved from!. I just love it :]Www@QuestionHome@Com


My Favorite is Twilight!. I did enjoy the rest of the series!.!.but the first one is what I can read over and over!


I love all of themWww@QuestionHome@Com