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Question: A Great and Terrible Beauty!.!.!.!.!?
Im thinking about getting this book!.!.!.
But I would like to know more of what its about!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
oh my gosh it is such a good book!!
the main character is a girl names Gemma!. the story is set in victorian england in a girls boarding school!. there is magicy stuff in it, but there is also the perils associated with going to an all girls school and fitting in with the rules of society and social standing of women at the time!.
i dont want to give away too much of the book, but basically gemma and her friends discover another parallel world and they have to struggle with the responsibility of it!.
definitely read it, you got nothing to lose!. and extra bonus is there are two more, so if you liked it then you got more to read!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg
i luv luv luv a great and terrible beauty and the other books in the Gemma Doyle Trilogy! it's totally awsome and twisted and cute!

ok!. so, it begins when gemma is in india with her mother in the marketplace!.she gets mad at her mother and runs away!. while running, she gets lost and has a vision of her mother being followed by something!. it catches her!. and she pulls out a dagger!. but instead of fighting it, she stabs herself! and when gemma snaps out of it, an indian boy named kartik is there!. later on, her mom really is dead! and so, she's sent 2 englind 2 a finishing school were wealth, power, family, poise, and beauty matters!. She soons discovers that she has special magical powers!. she becomes friends with ann, felicity, and pippa!. and they journey into the magical realm together!. in that realm, it is a place of evil and happiness!. gemma finds out about circe, the witch/ whatever bad thing she's supposed 2 b!. the book goes on and gemma strives 2 succeed in both finding and bringing down circe while learning her manners and securing a good place in the social world!.

trust me!. the end of the last book, The sweet far thing, is totally twisted and a bit sad!.!.!. but i won't spoil it 4 u!.

so the books r:
1!. a great and terrible beauty
2!. rebel angels
3!. the sweet far thing!.

hope u enjoy them!Www@QuestionHome@Com

this mite help:http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/A_Great_and!.!.!.
look pretty good maybe I should check it out!. How did you hear of this book!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com