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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Is the book Crank on the banned or challenged book list?

Question: Is the book Crank on the banned or challenged book list!?
The book is Crank by Ellen Hopkins!. I need to know if it is banned or challenged so that I can do my censorship unit over it for English!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I haven't seen any official documentation on it!. But if you follow the supplied link to a Stephen King message board, on March 13, 2008 one person added the comment that her child's school just banned the Ellen Hopkins books!. If you print it up and show your teacher, I'm sure they would let you read it for the course!.
also below is a link to an interview with Ellen Hopkins!. Since it doesn't appear all that official, I won't come straight out and say it is 100% accurate!. But it appears good enough, and Ellen Hopkins claims that at least one school has banned or challenged her books, 'Crank' included!. I doubt your teacher will put up much of a fight, but check to make sure!.
Good luck, and don't let Big Brother keep you down!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I haven't heard about it being banned, though since it deals with teenage drug use I'm sure there was probably some commotion over it somewhere!.

This is a link with a number of banned/challenged books -- if you can't find more info about Crank then maybe this site will give you some other options:


According to the American Library Association, it is not on any list they have of banned or challenged books!.

Wikipedia has a long list of books that have been or are currently banned that you could choose from!. Many of them you have already heard of and possibly read!.


Well it was in my high school library and it was available to take tests on it, AND my english teacher had a copy on her personal bookshelf in class!.

good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com