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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does anyone know the book where the girl runs away to kiss a rock star and drown

Question: Does anyone know the book where the girl runs away to kiss a rock star and drowns at the end!?
She is a teenager and really pretty!. She hitches with a trucker and they make out!. Eventually this guy picks her up and buys her clothes!. They go rowing in a boat and she drowns!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"Tenderness" by Robert Cormier
'Cormier is in top form in this chilling portrait of a serial murderer!. Eric Poole has progressed from killing kittens, cats, and a canary to parents and unsuspecting young women!. Now 18, he has paid for his mother and stepfather's murders with three years of juvenile detention and is ready to continue his "plan!." Unfortunately, his looks and shallow charm are as pleasing on the outside as his character is ugly on the inside!. The story unfolds through the eyes of two characters: Eric, and the luckless 15-year-old Lori, a runaway who met Eric once when she was 12 and is drawn to him like a moth to the flame!. Even when she realizes his guilt, after he attempts to kill her, she can not desert him!. The ugliness of the story contrasts with the beauty of the language!. Perfectly titled with characteristic irony, a sense of "tenderness" pervades this gripping tale!."
[They take a canoe out on a lake and Lori drowns]Www@QuestionHome@Com