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Question: Question for Twilight fans (or not, that's fine too)!?
Can I please have a very, Very, VERY detailed answer on why you liked the Twilight series so much!? And please be as specific as possible because I'd like to be able to understand why some of you like this, dare I say, novel!. Because personally I hated it with a passion!. Because the top things that deeply annoyed me about Twilight was:
1!. There wasn't a plot until after the first 400 pages of the book, and the plot lasted only for 100 pages!.!.!.
2!. Don't you find Edward a bit sexist, if not, over protective!?
3!. Bella=Mary Sue

Of course for more full reasons on why I disliked, refer to http://answers!.yahoo!.com/question/index;!.!.!.

So I'd like to see why you guys really liked the series so much!. And please note everything here is my opinion, and wouldn't want to be seen as rude or anything!. ^^Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, I'm a fan!. But not an obsessed fanatic!. I have what I like about Twilight, and then there is what I don't like!.

-Easy read, I didn't have to think much!. Just nice and relaxing book!.
-Romance, even if its cheesy and cliche, it is none the less a romance book!.
-Easy to get pulled in!. I couldn't stop reading it!.
-Vampires are the new fad!. (What about the nixes!)
-Some characters are good and have some endearing traits

-The Cullens are not vampires! Meyer has gone too far from the usual vampire lore!. Now I know it's a fiction book so she has room for creativity!. But must I remind you they sparkle in the sun!!? What on earth! That just passed the border of idiocy!.
-Edward is almost to perfect!. Too much a Gary Stu character!. All the girls swoon over him, "Oh Edward is soo HAWT!" but he is too perfect!. Give me an imperfect sin-loaded character over the Cullen any day!.
-The obsessive fans!. Twilight is not the best book ever, it comes nowhere near the classics!. Nowhere near! Read my lips, nowhere near! But the fans are going around making themselves look like lifeless idiots; swooning over Edward, making Twilight scrapbooks, wanting to be just like Bella, making playlists for the book!. It's pathetic!
-Weak plot!. Especially B!.D!. the whole book is Bella pregnant, and then leading up to the fight that never happens!. I didn't really mind the fight that didn't happen, but it still shows a weak plot!.

Things I didn't mind but takes away from the book:
-Purple prose, and too much of it!. Especially in B!.D!. when Bella became a vampire and Meyer just dragged on and on with purple prose there!
-Cardboard characters!. Bella is pretty pathetic!. You don't notice it at first, but when you stop and think about it, she is whiney and annoying!. I think Alice had a lot of personality though!. Jake too, but he kind of died in the end there!.
-Not much character development!. I can only think of one instance where Bella matures, sort of!. In Eclipse, pretty much she only cares about herself, but at the end she thinks of what Edward wants!.
-Meyer uses a total of 5 adjectives throughout the whole book!. Pretty pathetic, could be more creative there!.

But I liked the book!. Its just not one I can pick up so easily again!. Read the classics people, so much better than Twilight!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I read the first few chapters, and some random chapters in the book and i thought it was extremely pathetic!. Like i mean Edward is all "oh my precious bella, sleep, my bella sleep" i mean come on, even if he was born 93480 years ago, it really does get annoying after a while!.
I really think it's overrated and it annoys me how people are like "i dunno why but i love it oh my god!" Www@QuestionHome@Com

its just that edward is like, most girls vision of "the perfect guy"
he could have anyone, but he picks her!. he risks his life!.
but hey, its not for everyone!. you might be the kinda girl who likes reality, while twilight is geared more towards science fiction!. i enjoyed reading your views on the book!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

omg i just love it because i loooove vampires and love stories and it just captivated me in the first 3-5 ch!. but idk i just love that type of books it is just sumthin about it idk wut it is!!

I hate it too! I agree with you in everything you said

I hate twilight, because the characters have no personality, Bella pisses me off (excuse my French), Edward is annoying, I hate love stories anyway (much rather have some fighting and!.!.!. spell casting), and it's full of grammar mistakes and revolting parts and lovey-dovey scenes that make me want to barf!.

Not sure if you wanted opiniong for those who dislike it, but I wanted to make myself heard!. =DWww@QuestionHome@Com

I have always been a fan of vampires, when I was a kid I desperately wanted to be one! I read the book and quickly became addicted!. I will admit that some parts of the series was definitely dull and I would have loved to skip some parts, the book still kept me enchanted!. For myself I think it is because I was waiting for the!.!.!. shall I say climax!? between Bella and Edward!. The whole, she wanted him, he was afraid to want her, they both wanted each other, but she was so humanly fragile!. It was very enticing!.

All in all, I would say that the this series is one of those love it or hate it novels!. It was a guilty pleasure of mine, and I indulged greedily!. Perhaps it is just not your cup of tea!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm still reading the series!. I guess I'm on both sides of the coin!. The first book, Twilight, I thought was incredible!. Stephenie was very descriptive with every scene in the book!. I could feel as if I were standing there, viewing the action in person!. The dialogue was real, it wasn't silly fantasy stuff!. And personally, I definitely related to Bella in the sense that she's a huge klutz!. I'd say she was a bit over-exaggerated, because even I don't trip and fall that easily!. I loved the romance in the book!. It was one of those rare books that has everything in it: comedy, romance, action, and drama!. I thought it was a great way to start off a saga!. On the other hand, New Moon was awful!. For me it was anyways, because it was all about Jacob!. It was still descriptive and suspensful, but I just didn't like the fact that Edward disappeared throughout the entire book and Bella was finally reunited in the last fifty pages or so!. Even my friends found the book boring to death, and are still trying to finish it so they can move on to Eclipse!. But for sure, the books are descriptive, well planned, and well written!. Everything flows together and makes sense, and I just love it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course Edward's incredibly overprotective!.If you love someone so completely and truly then wouldn't you want them to be safe no matter what!?!?
i like it a LOT but not totally love it and i'm not totally obsessed over it either!.Personally there could have been more detail to edward's personality just to make him seem more real!.I do agree with you on some stuff!.i don't think they should really be calling Stephenie Meyer the next "JK Rowling" cuz stephenie meyer can't be credited with helping kids read more like JK rowling but the books are pretty interesting,it's more interesting than Dracula or Dr Jekyll but it's in the same genre!.also i think this series sort of provides an escape for all the emo kids in the world who obsess over it(not saying everyone who reads it is emo though)!.
Honestly i just think people like the idea of falling in love with a vampire!.i think people like the idea of falling for someone who's tempted everyday to kill you,though not on purposeWww@QuestionHome@Com