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Question: If You Love Harry Potter!.!.!.!?
Tell me, which is better: Harry Potter or Twilight!?
Do you hate all twilight lovers!?

What do you love about Harry Potter!?
Has Harry Potter affected your personal life in some way!? Did it change your outlook on the world!?

Do you listen to Wizard Rock!?

Have you memorized any Sorting Hat songs!?

Do you find youself talking about Harry Potter uncontrollably and can't stop!?

Are you still waiting for your Hogwarts letter!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hahaha, very cute!.

"Tell me, which is better: Harry Potter or Twilight!?"
I dislike Twilight!. I don't like the POV most of all, but Edward's perfection and Bella's annoying personality make it unbearable for me!. I never read much of the series!. :P I prefer Harry Potter because of the sheer breadth of the world JKR created, and because most of the characters are *human* (in the sense of being imperfect and yet striving to be their best)!.

"Do you hate all twilight lovers!?"
No, my best friend loves the series!. XD She knows its faults, though!.!.!. I get frustrated with the ones who think it is some kind of classical literature!. :P Hell, even my friend was maniac enough to try and insist we drive to Forks (it is an hour away from where I live)!.

"What do you love about Harry Potter!?"
The world, the characters!. The sheer ability for a creative mind to spin things from it!. Right, I admit, much as I like the books, I like playing with JKR's world more!. Fanfiction writer!. ;)

"Has Harry Potter affected your personal life in some way!? Did it change your outlook on the world!?"
I'd say a bit, yes!. I write a lot in the world, and writing is a catharsis for me!. I love the Harry Potter world!. I cried when Sirius died, when Dumbledore fell, when Harry was in the forest with ghostly versions of the Maurauders +Lily -Peter!. I bawled when it turned out I was right about Snape loving Lily!. Hell, even though the entire series led up to it, I moped for a week over Voldemort dying!. XD

The series is powerful in that it gives a wonderful, magical place that can easily be imagined!. It is the real world, but more!. It is a place we have all wished we could be at some point!.

"Do you listen to Wizard Rock!?"
Not so much!. XD

"Have you memorized any Sorting Hat songs!?"
The first and fifth ones!. ^^;

"Do you find youself talking about Harry Potter uncontrollably and can't stop!?"
Yes!. All the time!. Usually about plot ideas, but very often about mechanics or theories!. I'm such a geek!. XD

"Are you still waiting for your Hogwarts letter!?"
Yes!. *sniff* So what if it will be 13 years late on Thursday!? ;___; It will come!!! *props a window open*Www@QuestionHome@Com

LOL, ok, I haven't gone as obsessed as you seem to be (^^ no offense meant), but I found harry potter to be really great as well (so much better than that sad excuse of a novel w/sparkly, undead, sun-fearing vampires)!. Why did I like it so much!? Pretty much the same reasons you do!.

It was very well thought out, you could tell she spent a while thinking every little detail over!. The last book really tied up all the loose ends and delivered a great ending to a great series!.

I also found a lot of meaning in the plots and sub-plots!. Mainly speaking the theme that love is a human's greatest gift!. Weather it's true or not, can be argued (it's not true in that other book I unfortunately mentioned)!.

also, the character development was great!. I could see Harry go through his stage where be believed he was forced to kill voldy, but then learned that it was through his love that he would anyways!.

And of course, it had it's little serving of romance, and it was good with the novel, and not such a big deal as it was in the sparkly-vampire book!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

i believe that they are both good and are very different books
that appeal to different people
one is about a boy another a girl and one is a love story and etc!.
it all depends on each individuals opinion everyone is differentWww@QuestionHome@Com

Agreeing with you 100%!. I love Harry Potter!! =DWww@QuestionHome@Com

"Tell me, which is better: Harry Potter or Twilight!?"
Harry Potter, by far!.

"Do you hate all twilight lovers!?"
No, I don't hate Twilight fans (I'm also a fan of Twilight, but I'm not like the typical "OMGZZ" fangirl -_-) I just don't like how, to put it bluntly, idiotic some of them are!.

"What do you love about Harry Potter!?"
I love Harry Potter because it started me on reading and fantasy!. The plot is delicious, and I love the characters (Even though Jo killed all of my favorites T-T)

"Has Harry Potter affected your personal life in some way!? Did it change your outlook on the world!?"
Harry Potter changed me personally, as I said, because it inspired my love for reading!. Now it's pretty much what defines me!. I'm "That girl who reads a lot!." not that I resent it, I love my books and I'll be eternally greatful to Mrs!. Rowling for giving me that!. Plus, I met so many wonderful people just because we had Harry Potter in common, and now they're my best friends!. It gave me a different outlook on life, yes!. Mainly from all the little life lessons you find in the books, maybe some I imagine, but most likely things Jo wanted us to learn!.

'Do you listen to Wizard Rock!?"
Occasionally ^^ I find some of it lacking talent-wise sometimes, but it's still just fun!.

"Have you memorized any Sorting Hat songs!?"
Ack, no!. I fail -___-

"Do you find youself talking about Harry Potter uncontrollably and can't stop!?"
Heh, I did that a lot when the series was still really going, but it's gotten under control now :)

"Are you still waiting for your Hogwarts letter!?"
Yes!. I hope the owl didn't get hurt!.!.!.!. *worry* I'm years behind the schoolwork by now!.!.!.!.