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Question: Most overrated and underrated book!?
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In my honest opinion, I must say that Great Expectations by Charles Dickens is completely overrated!. I was disappointed that the book didn't meet the high expectations I initially had for it (and I actually judged it with an open mind for classic writing)!.

The most powerful novel/play that I've read that isn't praised enough is Death of A Salesman by Arthur Miller!. I reread this book, and that says a lot because I normally never do that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I sort of disagree with the first answer!. Although I personally liked Survivor, I thought that Chuck Palahniuk is the most overrated writer out there!. He is merely a phase that most readers go through before realizing that he is completely ridiculous, however, Survivor was pretty good, the rest are just the same shock fiction novel over and over again!. I don't know about the most underrated book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Overrated: Twilight series by Stephani Meyers or the Eragon books by Christopher Paolini!. Probably Eragon more, since those were horribly written *and* had a horrible plot!. At least Meyers was competent!.

Underrated: Hmm, not sure!. My favorite book since I was 13 has been 'Pillars of the Earth' by Ken Follet, and I know very few people ever read it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Over rated- Twilight, Its an alright book, but the plot is predictable and cliched!.

Under Rated- Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk!.
Chuck Palahniuk is a popular writer, and I'm sure at least a couple of people have read this, but really, it was an astounding book and it deserves more recognition than it got!.


Most overrated - Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer!. I mean, it alright, but it's really nothing so special as fans make out!.
Most underrated - Treasure Seekers by Edith Nesbit!. Tons of writers such as J!.K!.Rowling and C!.S!.Lewis loved it, but it's just not popular unfortunately!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most overrated is the mandatory--Twilight!. And the rest of the books in the saga!.

Most underrated--The Bartimaeus Trilogy!. Why isn't it as popular as HP or Twilight!? Why!?! Great books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For most overrated, I have a hard time picking just one!. The contenders are:

The Inheritance trilogy

I can't think of an underrated book at the moment!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Harry Potter has to be the most overrated!.!.!.

The Neverending Story is underrated, but so much superior!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao -- won a Pulitzer --- OVERRATED!!! (in fact, kinda sucks!. little bit)!.


Overrated!.!.This answer is about as cliched as the book!.
"Twilight" and all the rest of the series

Hmmm!. I'll get back to you on that oneWww@QuestionHome@Com