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Question: What do you know about "The Tempest"!?
In The Tempest, Miranda thinks that she was a burden to her father when they were forced into exile, but Prospero claims that she had a beneficial effect!. Explain this!. also Why has Prospero caused the "tempest" and yet arranged it so that the passengers arrive safely!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
As her father, Prospero has found joy and strength in Miranda, in his love for her, and he has found a purpose in caring for her and in educating her!.!.!.
They have lived on the island for a long time (I don't have the text in front of me, but I think it is something like 12-16 years) - they have been each other's support system!.
Prospero has continued to evolve within his own development and training as a magician - he is quite knowledgeable about magic, which he refers to as his 'art,' and that is why he can control the storm and still manage to bring those people to the island unharmed!.

You should read it - it's one of Shakespeare's more interesting works and one of his most original!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He was no longer concerned with politics which got him into trouble in the first place!.

He was never looking for revenge, rather he is teaching them a lesson so that his exile can be revoked and he can return to a normal life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com