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Question: Pride and Prejudice is it a convectional story!?
Is pride and prejudice a convectional love story,
what do you think!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think some subtle heat rises between Elizabeth and Darcy, yes!.

(I would also say it is a conventional love story!. It is a well-done version of a conventional love story, and in fact helped create the conventions and patterns that some many later authors would follow in their often less-well-done books!. But as a reader today, I think one would say that it is quite conventional in the sense of following a classic well-recognized pattern for a love story!.

Not so conventional in the sense of being average or run of the mill!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

its conventional nowadays, because there have been so many versions of it, like bridget jones!. like with shakespeare, many modern texts are loosely based on austen, but when she wrote them, they were totally new, because few people wrote like that, and fewer women wrote at all!. she broke conventions then, and thats whats important :DWww@QuestionHome@Com