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Question: How to be keen on reading !?
how can i be keen on reading books related to topics i should know but dont have enthusiam yet!.!.!. how can i make myself go towards books :-(!.!.!. any good idea !?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Since you are not yet an enthusiastic reader, my suggestion is that you read anything at all to do with topics you are already interested in!.

For example, if you are into sports, then read the sports section of the daily newspaper!. If you are interested in fashion or celebrity gossip then get a magazine to read!. Ditto any publication on a subject that is of interest to you, develop the habit of reading!. It doesn't have to be non-fiction either, maybe a book of short stories by someone like Roald Dahl, interesting fiction in bigger chunks than a newspaper article, and which will make you want to read on to find out what happens next!.

I do hope you develop a love of reading, books open up a whole new world and personally I cannot imagine a life without books and a love of the written word, whether it be for enjoyment, research, education or just for its own sake!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, just my opinion!.!.!.
Don't be too fussy, pick up something you think might be interesting, stick with it for the first 30-50 pages, if your not into it by then, move on!. If you like something enough to make it through the first hundred pages, you'll read that no effort at all and enjoy it

I really think something that puts people off reading is the idea of it as a worthy endeavour, and that to read is to indulge self flagellation!. Try to think of the act of reading a book in the same way as you might watch TV or go see a movie, for enjoyment!. I read voraciously, but only because I like it, but surely that's the best, and simplest reason to do anything Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd find a really good novel that touches on those topics!. A lot of fun fiction (even thrillers, spy novels and mysteries) are full of information about various things!. Then you might find yourself wanting to read more about those things!. You'd be amazed at what you can pick up reading what people would call junk fiction!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, if I were you, I would start with a book that is easy to read and get sucked into!. Nothing too long, and nothing boring!. Maybe a Stephen King novel, or even a classic Sherlock Holmes!. Then after you get used to and hopefully like reading in general, you could try to tackle a thicker novel!. Then you could move on to classics!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Read a variety of books!.
For Example:
Read Sherlock Holmes for quick action and excitement!.Read G!.K!. books or guides for knowledge!.Self Development Books,Children's Books etc!.!.!.
This is becuse you get bored reading the same book or the same type of book over and over!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if u r not realy intrested how can u make it!.!.!.!.!.!.ok ok!.!.
start reading at the areas which ur intrested a lot like ur sports maxine ,stardust!.!.!.!.may funky books it will workout if ur intrested in the topic ur going through !Www@QuestionHome@Com

By doing yogasWww@QuestionHome@Com