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Position:Home>Books & Authors> A-LEVEL ENGLISH LIT--Thomas Hardy, "Your Last Drive" Q. on a line....?

Question: A-LEVEL ENGLISH LIT--Thomas Hardy, "Your Last Drive" Q!. on a line!.!.!.!.!?
When he says,

"Dear Ghost, in the past, did you ever find the though, 'What Profit' move me much!?"

What does this line mean!?

Thank you!!

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The speaker poses a rhetorical question to the now-dead subject of the poem: in the past when something 'moved' you, did you ask yourself "what profit" do I gain from such emotions!? The implication is that when humans experience strong emotions, we value those emotions for what they are!. Therefore, when the speaker calls the subject "past love, praise, indifference, blame", he is saying that those memories are valuable unto themselves!. Yes, the ghost will never know the speaker thinks of this yet the speaker is glad he will have those thoughts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com