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Question: Where/How do I find an agent for my book!?
I'm 13 and the book is going to be about 180-250 pages, about a girl who finds she has the power to manipulate fire!. A little romance is tied in, and eventually she makes a choice to give up her power and save!.!.!.or keep it and let people die!. Where and how can I find an agent that would work with someone young like me and for that genre!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You have to send a query letter / email to the agent to ask them to represent you and give them a little info about your book!. Agents will tell you EXACTLY what they want the letter to look like, however there are also some general rules!. Google 'query letter' for more info!.

On picking an agent!.!.!. Most agents have websites!. Google 'YA literary Ageng' and you will find a bunch that rep what you are writing!. You might start with Kristen Nelson though!. She's the only one I can recommend off the top of my head!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

first, you are very young, and will not even interest ana gent!.!. Second, you will need to write the entire book first, I hope you have a unique plot!. You will need a good guy [the hero] and a bad guy [the protagonist]!. Oh, and if you want to attract attention once it's written, you can't let people die at the end!. people hate that!.

also, agents do not "work" with writers, they work FOR writers, trying to sell the book to a publisher!. in any case, you will have to write the whole thing first

As for your other answerer --- maybe he's a pervy horndog: but MAYBE he was referring to your hero playing with fire!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You haven't worked out your plot, and you're looking for an agent!? (I answered your other question!.) No! You write, then worry about publishing!. If you write while thinking about publishing the whole time, it's not going to be what you want it to be and you won't be happy!. Try not to set a length, either, or you might end up with fluffy purple prose!. Not good!.

Guy above, Joey F!., that's nice!.!.!. Nothing to do with agents, and you spelled "really" wrong!. And "you're"!. You can't hit on people on here, because people on here are usually minors, you know!. I mean, if you know them, yeah, but apparently she doesn't know you and you're a "horndog!." And maybe a pedo, depending on how old you are!. I'm not going to give you a thumbs down, but I don't suggest you do this again!. Somebody may report you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Agents are not interested in writers that have no proof of having sold work!.

I published a novel over 2 years ago and thought that was my ticket when I had articles in New York newspapers about me finding missiles in Iraq as a Marine (google: Christopher Pascale)!. I was wrong!.

My novel is in its 2nd printing and I'm working as a freelance writer with two articles on my resume along with about 500 copies sold of my novel!.

As you build your resume ad maybe get regular work on a paper or magazine you'll show that you already have a base that will bring in money!. When you have that you could argue that you won't need an agent, but that's the nature of the beast!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't write it now!. Just because you're 13 and you might go on TV for being so young and already writing a book!. Wait until you have the right story!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

your relly hot babe!! Www@QuestionHome@Com