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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I'm stuck on the third chapter of a novel I'm writing.. ideas?

Question: I'm stuck on the third chapter of a novel I'm writing!.!. ideas!?
It's about a girl who's starting to realize that she's getting these odd powers (fire manipulation it later turns out) and I'm stuck on the 3rd chapter!. It's right after she burns a hole in the paper when she gets really hot!.!. I don't want to advance the story too far now but I don't want to have meaningless filler!. I was thinking of adding romance, but I can't just be like "Wow!. You just burned a hole through my paper!. Wanna go on a date with me!?" You know!? Help!? Ideas!? I don't want my book written for me, just advice!.
Thanks!! Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you don't know where it's going you have two options!. 1) Stop, and brainstorm 2) Keep writing utter crap and then redo it later
It really just depends on your resiliency and dedication to characters among other things!. The site below (I made it, yeah) says everything that I would, just don't feel like typing it up everyday several times, as you can imagine!. So, consider what it says as pasted onto here!. Especially look at the part about outlining!. A forced story is usually a bad story that you will later despise, so I really, really don't reccomend forcing it out so that you can go 1, 2, 3!. There's nothing wrong with going 15, 12, 29 as long as you can tie it together in the end!. I know because I tried to force my beginning before, and I really messed myself up!. Once I realized this, I found that I was way happier!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Start with your plot before you go any further!.
Figure out what you are going to do through it all!. Then seperate it into chapters!. Chapter one- introduction!. Chapter two- whatever!.!.

Um her love interest could be the only person who notices the paper being burnt, and from that moment is very interested in her!.
He wonders about her!. He finds himself thinking about her!.
He doesn't mention until later that he saw her do that!.
Once he's sure she'll talk to him about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Get something down in outline form, or start drawing out backgronds for your characters!.

Ayn Rand woul even sketch them!. The Harry Potter series is accompanied with a chest full of notes for things that will happen could happen, dialogue!. !. !. !. !.

The biggest thing to NOT STOP WRITING! You must move the spirit for she will not move you!.

Maybe she has a premonition about using her powers lest she falls prey to losing them as you will if you don't continue and this novel becomes another story that no one's ever heard!.

Write out the scene for when she's doing the guy friend and then fill in the middle!. I've regularly written the last chaper of a manuscript and caught up later!.Www@QuestionHome@Com