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Question: Outlining Characters and Setting!?
Aside from outlining a story (whether key points for each chapter, or breaking the outline up into the introduction, rising action, climax, etc!.) is it good to outline your characters and/or setting as well!?

What I mean is: I'm beginning an outline of story I intend to write (I hope) and so far the first bullet focuses on my main character and the key supporting characters!. From there, I have "What is her purpose!?" followed by "Initial purpose!?" and "Eventual purpose!?" Then it goes into a brief profile about her (hair, eyes, age, occupation, schooling, etc!.) This is also used for the supporting characters, with some parts left out as I don't feel I need to develop them as much as the my main gal!.

The setting portion is much like this as well, though things like terrain, weather conditions, location, etc!., are used instead!.

So!.!.!.I guess what I'm trying to say, or ask, is this is all necessary!? Could it be beneficial to the story, even if some parts of this side outline are not used!? What do you think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
yes!. your level of success is only determined by your level of preparedness!. as corny as that is, you are writing a story!. even epic novels leave a myriad episodes in a persons life out of what makes it into the final copy!. its only one episode, or a life, thematically drawn!. there's so much more that will never be seen!. but, the more you understand about your characters and where they are, the more realistic the situations, the more realistic and applicable the characters reactions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com