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Question: Can someone help me with a fahrenheit 451 thesis statement for literary analysis essay!?
i'm not sure how to start it out can someone help me pleaseWww@QuestionHome@Com

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It's been a few years since I've read F451, but I do remember that I enjoyed it!.

Thesis statements can be difficult at first!. Basically, you're just summing up a big idea and carrying that idea throughout your essay, supporting it with more and more evidence!. You're forming an argument and presenting proof to verify it!.

Now, in F451 (if you did read it, lol) was based on the ideas of ignorance!. People were ill-educated and uniform in emotion and decisions!. Books were prohibited so that ideas could not be stirred up!.

So after you closed the book, what was the main thing that came to your mind!? What was the BIGGEST theme to you!? What was attempted in this society and was it effective!? Why or why not!? You could use examples of martyrdom and self-sacrifice (using examples with the old woman and Guy), as well as civil disobedience (the refusal to obey unjust laws)!. Did the rules put in place against books invoke curiosity to read them anyway!?

There are countless options in such a piece!. I can't write a thesis for you, but I'm sure you should be able to pick something out rather interesting to you, continuing on with several examples in the text that prove your beliefs correct!.

Hope this helped, and good luck :)

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