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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Suspence-sexy romance-thriller-mystery type books?

Question: Suspence-sexy romance-thriller-mystery type books!?
These are the type of books I like to read!.!.!.Have you read any good books you can suggest!.!.!.old or newWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Linda Howard has written quite a few titles that I think you would like!.!.!. 'Mr!. Perfect', 'Drop Dead Gorgeous', 'To Die For', etc!., etc!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like Nora Roberts or Kay Hooper or Sandra Brown!.

Try the blood brothers trilogy by Nora Roberts- only 2 of the books are out now- but the 3rd will be out by Christmas!. Couldn't put it down!.
First is Blood Brothers, then The Hollow, and finally will be The Pagen Stone!. But you can't go wrong with any of her books really!.

Kay Hooper- The Bishop books, and the Fear ones- chill of fear, sleeping with fear, sense of evil, touch of evil!.!.!.right now I am reading Haunting Rachel!.

Sandra Brown (my fave)- Chill Factor, Playing Dirty, Envy, The Alibi!.!.!.

Hope these help!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You should look into the Stephanie Plum novels by Janet Evanovich!. So far there 14 novels in the series and 3 in-between the novels books they keep you on the edge of your seat and you wont be able to wait to get the next book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Check out books by Lisa Gardner or Tami Hoag; they fit your categories!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Southern vampire seriesWww@QuestionHome@Com

The Twilight series by Stephenie MeYER!. aLL TIME BEST!.Www@QuestionHome@Com