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Question: What book series is this!?
I vaguely remember reading a few books in this series when I was younger!. They are about a girl/girls and I think the books took place in the early 1900s!. The books followed the girl/girls as they got older; I think there was one for every year or so, from the time they were children up through the one girl's wedding!. I'm thinking that the first book was about two friends, but the books switched more to just following one of the girls as the series went on!. They were fictional!. Any idea of the name of at least one of the books, or what the series was!? I think the name(s) of the girl/girls were in most of the titles!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Could it be the Elsie Dinsmore series by Martha Finley written from the late 1800s through the early 1900s!? The book titles are as follows:
1!. Elsie Dinsmore (1867)
2!. Elsie's Holidays at Roselands (1868)
3!. Elsie's Girlhood (1872)
4!. Elsie's Womanhood (1875)
5!. Elsie's Motherhood (1876)
6!. Elsie's Children (1877)
7!. Elsie's Widowhood (1880)
8!. Grandmother Elsie (1882)
9!. Elsie's New Relations (1883)
10!. Elsie at Nantucket (1884)
11!. The Two Elsie's (1885)
12!. Elsie's Kith and Kin (1886)
13!. Elsie's Friends at Woodburn (1887)
14!. Christmas with Grandma Elsie (1888)
15!. Elsie and the Raymonds (1889)
16!. Elsie Yachting with the Raymonds (1890)
17!. Elsie's Vacation (1891)
18!. Elsie at Viamede (1892)
19!. Elsie at Ion (1893)
20!. Elsie at the World's Fair (1894)
21!. Elsie's Journey on Inland Waters (1895)
22!. Elsie at Home (1897)
23!. Elsie on the Hudson (1898)
24!. Elsie in the South (1899)
25!. Elsie's Young Folks (1900)
26!. Elsie's Winter Trip (1902)
27!. Elsie and Her Loved Ones (1903)
28!. Elsie and Her Namesakes (1905)

Some of them can be read online at http://www!.gutenberg!.org/catalog/world/r!.!.!. Gutenberg!.

I hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Possibly Anne of Green Gables by L!.M!. Montgomery!. They're primarily about Anne, but I think her friend Diana features fairly prominently in the earlier books!.

I would also say Elsie Dinsmore, but those books were always only about the one girl, there were not ever (to my recollection) two girl protagonists!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A Life of Faith Series maybe!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

anne of green gables perhaps!?Www@QuestionHome@Com