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Question: Any advice for an aspiring young novelist seeking to publish!?
I am sixteen years old and just finished a 40,000 word novel that, in all honesty, is my pride and joy :) I am completely naive when it comes to getting my book out there, and I was wondering if anyone could provide me with any advice about publishing!. I have confidence that my book is well written and interesting, and all of the adult opinions and I been given have been strictly positive!. Thank you!
p!.s I am likewise torn about whether to show my work to my AP English teacher!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Most novels are 95,000 to 150,000 words, so I don't know if yours would be categorized as a novel!.

That said, publishers and agents are looking for novels with a gripping plot, devoid of the tired cliches and standard characters!.

Do some research and find literary agent who specializes in your genre!. Send them a query letter with a synopsis of your novel!.

If they are interested, they will invite you to send more information!.

Be sure to send it to them in the correct format!.

Be extra careful to edit your manuscript for errors in spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, syntax and semantics!.

An invite is not a guarantee to be published, so be patient!.

They may reject yours due to the small word count or may ask you to revise up to their standards!.

You may want to get some beta readers to feedback first!. NOT family and friends who will feel obligated to tell you that it's good if it is not!.

Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com