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Question: Favourite Japanese authors/books set in Japan!?
I just love books set in Japan, particularly when written by Japanese authors!. I know Memoirs of a Geisha was not written by a Japanese man, but it was an amazing story that I just finished! Does anyone have any other suggestions!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
'The Pillow Book of Sei Shonagon' is an amazing book!. It was written about a thousand years ago by a lady in waiting to the Empress of Japan!. It gives a wonderfully vivid picture of Japanese court life at that time, and is full of Se Shonagon's own strong opininons on people and all manner of subjects!. It is a really fascinating book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hmm!.!.!. I would recommend "Rashomon" written by Ryunoske Akutagawa!. Since it's kind of classical, it might not suit your taste!. However, it is really interesting, and worth trying!.

By the way, Akira Kurosawa directed the movie based on the story, and won the top prize at the Venice Film Festival in 1951!.


"The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea" by Yukio Mishima
"Ryuji, the sailor of the novel's title, additionally lives part of his life in a very specific dream world of his own careful devising!. In this fantasy, or is Ryuji perceiving a genuine layer of a deeper reality!? Ryuji believes himself to be an archetypal hero fatally set aside from the rest of mankind but destined for some unimaginable, transcendent future glory!. This private mythology and self - idealization provides Ryuji with a kind of charismatic halo which others find mysterious and very attractive, but difficult to specifically identify or even acknowledge!. In contrast, Noboru, the young son of Ryuji's widowed fiancé Fusako, is snared between his docile, school - boy persona and his calculating, brutal, and sociopathic real self!. When Ryuji and Noboru meet, the boy perceives the well - muscled sailor as a sterling example of steely, unfettered manhood, while Ryuji sees in Noboru and his mother an opportunity to make his peace with life and a chance to exchange his elitist, perhaps neurotic claims to a higher destiny for something warm and tangible!. As they step tentatively towards one another with these ill - defined but inexorable expectations floating between them, each unwittingly places himself on a collision course with calamitous personal disaster!."


I enjoy reading manga books, as I love reading, writing and art! My favourite is the Beauty Pop series!. It's full of humour, and the main character, Kiri, is such a refreshing change from some of the more annoying, eternally cheerful manga types!. Look it up, see if you like it!. It's a great series!

Hope I helped! :c)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know any books that are set in Japan, but I recommend you to read these books that are by Japanese authors!
1!. Picture Bride by Yoshiko Uchida
2!. When the Emperor was Divine by Julie Otsuka

These two books are set in the US!. Japanese characters in the book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I read this really good picture book set in Japan, the women seemed very senesual if you know what I mean!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you like mysteries, Laura Joh Rowland has written a very good series set in ancient Japan!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

James Clavell wrote several novels based on Japan and Asia!. Yukio Mishima is also good to read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com