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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Could someone help me figure out what sport a character in my story should play?

Question: Could someone help me figure out what sport a character in my story should play!?
Okay, he is fifteen, 5'7, and a sophomore in high school!. He has an athletic build, but not bulky!. One character in the story does Aikido, so I don't want to just say some random martial art; that'd be tacky imo!. I don't want to say football, because most football players have a rather bulky build!. Soccer would be ideal, but that's rather cliché!. Could someone help me figure this out!? It's kind of petty, lol, but I seriously can't think of one o!.OWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hmm soccer sounds great!.
But if you want to look real!.!.!."rough, bad a$$ kind!."
Go with hockey, either ice or street!.
Not only is it aggressive, but great sport!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In high school, chess wont look odd!

But wait you said atheletic, how about long jump or some other track and field event!. Or is it necessary to play a sport!. Then Basketball!. Basketball players are lanky and tall!. In high school, you wont expect them to be very heavily built!.

Tennis is also good!. But tennis I think, very select few play!. But its a good option anyhow! Saying that, even table-tennis is a good option!. How about badminton!? Cricket!? Volleyball!?

TW KWww@QuestionHome@Com

Lol I as just about to say a martial art but then read the rest of the question, maybe plain athletics, be a runner maybe, high jumper etc!. Um rugby maybe, its similar to soccor and bot as muscle needed as football!. He could be a just a weight but as you said 'not bulky'!. There are heaps of sports out there, you shock look them up and decide for yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes I agree with Fencing,

As far as I know there are tree types of Fencing;

Ones with only 'Pooking' and one with 'Pooking' and 'Smashing'!.

Ones with a complete 'Mummy Suit' and one with just a half 'Mummy Suit'!. To find out more you probably better 'Google' a little!. For mor inspiration about Writing you can go to:


All the Best,
To your Happy - Writing - Inspiration,


Tennis!. I love to play it!. The game requires physical as well as mental skills!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lacrosse!? Tennis!? Softball!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Kampuchea,i think that's how its spelt!
the form of martial arts that been likened to choreographyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Try Fencing insteadWww@QuestionHome@Com