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Question: I need some info on a book called realm and conquest!?
in the movie michael clayton there is a book called realm and conquest which is about truth and justice!. i understand that it is not real but is it possible that they actually made copies because i understand that they actually wrote some chapters in the bookWww@QuestionHome@Com

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I too searched for the book and what I find is that the book actually does not exist and was/is a creation of the production team of the movie!.!.They created it…and wrote 5 pages…so it does not exist!. There is no book called Realm and Conquest!. Production has indicated it is synonymous with Truth and Justice but I suspect there is a real book it is based on, especially after his son mentions everyone having a same dream but not knowing they share it!. Realm and Conquest has a very D & D like association, which makes it easy to dismiss or obsess over, perfect for how it plays out in the script!. Horses in mythology are usually spiritual helpers!. Maybe just me, but I see a little “Being and Time” {Being and Time (1927) is a book by German philosopher Martin Heidegger!. On the first page of Being and Time, Heidegger describes the project in the following way: "our aim in the following treatise is to work out the question of the sense of being and to do so concretely!."} in “Realm and Conquest”!.Www@QuestionHome@Com