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Question: How do ya'll feel about the dummies books!?
My friend recently sent me the Windows XP for Dummies book!. I realy enjoyed it, and its helped me a lot with the computer!. Has anybody else tried the dummy books for other things, and did they also help!? Any recommendations!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes read the book as it doesn't mean that you are a dummie!.
This is called the book for dummies because it walks you or anyone
step by step in everything you can learn fast as yes I bought the books as there are book# 1 B# 2B# 3B# and so one-you can also get theses books for working or learning about just about everything you want to learn from top to bottem!.you have a great friend there!.

If you are completely computer illiterate they are a godsend as they allow you to find only the topic that interests you at the moment!.
If you are quickly becoming a student of the computer they are a hindrance because they are so scattered and topic specific that you can not learn anything except exactly what you looked up!.
I bought one in 96 but soon was getting the QUE books which are much more informative, more technical, AND have pictures to show me what I am supposed to be seeing when I perform the operation described!.
Between the two extremes and what I recommend for most people with a computer are the books with pictures available at you local office supply or Electronics stores!. The are direct enough to get you going and simple enough to keep you interested!. They are called Visual Teaching Books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes i have tried the dummy books for other computer related topics, they are very handy for references as well as interest to your topic; health mind and spirit, travel, the internet etc!.

I would recommend them as they are pretty much step by step explanations rather than your boring in your face information book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've used the Dummies books for a lot of things, including how to learn Java scripting and learning Japanese!. Needless to say, they were REAL great; I'd recommend them!. Unfortunately, there isn't a Swedish for Dummies, so I had trouble learning it =q

You should be able to find out if there's a dummies book for what you want with a simple Google search!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i luv them, i dislike being called a dummy lol, but they are usually really helpful, i have one for arabic, and my mum has one for pc!. i'm thinking about buying one on chinese history if i can find it cuz i dnt rlly know alot about chinese history! oh and japanese and spanish for dummies are great!Www@QuestionHome@Com

there were a whole bunch of them in my university bookstore that were placed in the 'new academic' section!. i thought it was hilarious, and wanted to take a photo of it!. but alas, i don't have a camera phone, so i just picked up the 'mobile phone's for dummies' book and was on my way!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, i've tried one about creative writing and i thought it was excellent!. I really like the dummies books and i know there is a lot of them now but i reallly think they come in handy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

oh i love those books! there so helpful!.
I just recently got a puppy and i a dummy book for that!
theres one for like everythingWww@QuestionHome@Com

i think i'll always get a book for dummies when i want to learn something new!. they really make sense to me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The few I've purchased I found to be useful and informative!.Www@QuestionHome@Com