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Question: Need help to find out if my book is a First Edition! Please help!!?
Is there a website I can go to to find out if a book is a first edition!?

Some of my books have something like "September 1998:First Edition" So I know those are, but do all first editions need to say that!?

The books I am concerned with at the moment are all by Elizabeth Haydon!.!.!.
Copyright 1999
ISBN 0-312-86752-2

Copyright 2000
ISBN 0-312-86751-4

Copyright 2001
ISBN 0-312-86750-6

Thanks for helping!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If they are all by the same publisher and some have the indication of being a first edition but others do not, then those without probably aren't!. There's no website for books by Elizabeth Haydon because this author is not, to my knowledge, much collected this way!. If they are hardcovers with dustwrappers and say "first edition" or "first impression," etc!., then most likely they are first editions!.

One way to research this further is to go to Abebooks, the best used book buying site that I have found on the internet!. Go to "advanced search" and type in 'haydon, elizabeth!." At the bottom click on the search by window for "Highest Price" as most likely the books by Haydon that sell for the most money will be first editions (signed, often, I would suppose)!.

If Haydon is an American, the American firsts will be worth the most!. If she is British, the British ones will be!. You'll have to read through a lot of data, including translations of books into German, Swedish, Turkish, French, and so on because those may be collected too, but you may have a sense of how to evaluate and / or value your books better as a result!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hi Christina,

Are you talking about the book: Rhapsody: Child of Blood !?!?!?

Anand, bangalore

generally the print plate in the front pages should say "first published" or something like that!. If it doesn't, then it's probably a first edition !.!. Www@QuestionHome@Com