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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What happens in the last book of Animorphs? (53)?

Question: What happens in the last book of Animorphs!? (53)!?

I really wanna know what happens in the last Animorph book!!



Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think you mean Book 54!.

They win over the Yeerks and the Yeerks are put on trial and convicted of murder!. It is years later, Ax went on a mission and was never heard from!. They sent Jake out to find him and he did, only that the Animorphs' best friend Ax has now become a slave to the Yeerks!. Thus a new war between the Yeerks and the Animorphs begin!.

That was the last page of the book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com