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Position:Home>Books & Authors> A princess lives in a pound, comes to the surface and meets a boy and a girl. Sh

Question: A princess lives in a pound, comes to the surface and meets a boy and a girl!. She falls in love (book name!?)!?
So, I read this book when I was in the 7th grade or maybe younger!. I just remember the name now and I want to introduce some younger children that I know!.

I know it has the name princess in it!.!.!. i think!.

Basically there is this princess and she lives in this lake or pound or maybe it was a wishing well because there was this human girl that always wished for beauty!. The princess eventually meets the human girl and her friend who was a boy!. She princess falls in love with the human boy and back at home the princess' friend who was in love with her misses her!?
She goes to high school and she is very pretty!.

A bunch of bad guys come and she jumps in the pound but she cant go back home and after s series of events she finally goes back home in to the water!. Or at least I think thats how it ends haha

So, can anyone tell me the name of it!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think the book you are thinking of is "Princess Nevermore" by Dian Curtis Regan!.Www@QuestionHome@Com