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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What is the plot of the story The wise old Woman?

Question: What is the plot of the story The wise old Woman!?
Im kind of having trouble with itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The plot is the sequence of events!. A ruler told the town's evil ruler to solve three tasks or that he would destroy the village!.But before that, the evil ruler had ordered all people age 70 and above to go to the mountains except one kind man could not do that to his mother and kept her hidden in his house!. When the evil ruler ordered his towns people to do the 3 tasks for him, the young man asked his mother who was very wise after living so long, and was able to solve the tasks for the evil ruler!.In the end, the evil ruler realizes the need for older people!. They are wise!Www@QuestionHome@Com