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Question: Oedipus Rex! HELP, metaphors!.!.!.!.!?
i need to choose and discuss one metaphor from the play oedipus rex!.

i know a metaphor is a comparison NOT using like or as!.

what are some metaphors from the play, what can i write about!.
ps!. if you halp me you are not doing my homework for me, i still have to write the journal i am just stumped

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
They talk about vision a lot in "Oedipus Rex," and being "blind!." This doesn't really mean blind, but rather ignorant to certain knowledge!.

There is also irony here because Oedipus does not understand his own history or the crimes he committed even though he can physically see!.

On the other hand Teiresias, who is physically blind, understands everything that's going on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know this book very well (long time)!.!.!.!.but if I remember, it's got some pretty weird scenes!. As far a literature, think of the word "metaphor" as meaning symbolic!. What situations symbolized something else!? For example, when Lady Macbeth said "Out, Damned spot!" She was trying to scrub out a blood stain!. The stain was a symbol her guilt over the assasination!. This scene was a metaphor for Lady Macbeths guilty concience!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

he killed his father and married his mother!.!.!.i think that's one lol i used he because i forgot the main characters nameWww@QuestionHome@Com