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Question: What do I do with incomplete series in my library!?
I don't really have a library, its just a collection of books on a book shelf but I still take prde in it!. Wich is why I'm asking if I should keep an incomplete series in my Library!. Like I bought the eighth book in the series but I dont have the books behind them!. It dosn't look good to me and so far I have just gave those books to my little brother or try to buy the rest of the books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I know what you mean!. I've my own little library too, and I have to admit that I'm a bit of a compulsive book buyer!. I had one of the Twilight books - I don't even like them! - but I had to buy the others so that my series was complete on my shelves!. I LOVE buying books, but recently I've been trying to stop!.!.!. Use the library some more!.!.!. Keep myself AWAY from bookstores!.
So if you have the money to spend, I'd say try to get the rest! Assuming, of course, that you actually like the books!. Maybe try searching used bookstores for them!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Same here!. I usually buy all the books currently in the series, and then buy the books separately as the new ones come out!. And I don't think you should mind much about the books where they're from the middle of a series, I have tons of those books, most of them are gifts, but if i like the series, I'd buy the books I don't have already!. So, you should decide what to do about that!. And just so you know, some big libraries dont have all the books of some series, too, so you shouldn't really let that bother you!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

FInd a used book store, you can either pay to fill out the missing volumes if you think you'll read them again or sell the books you don't want for others!.

Do you have books to show to other people or are they there for the insides!? Because they sell books that just look good on the shelf!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's ok to have an incomplete series if your library is private (closed to the public)!. Don't waste money on books you don't want!.Www@QuestionHome@Com