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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What should the witch-villain look like in the book I'm writing? I can't

Question: What should the witch-villain look like in the book I'm writing!? I can't think of anything! Thank you! !?
She is medieval!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, it depends on how you want her to do her dirty work!.!.!.

You have two options, the way I see it:

Make her very beautiful and seductive, coaxing people to do what she wants them to do!.!.!.

Or you could make her very ugly and mean, and boss around her minions!.!.!.

Or, I guess, you could give her some sort of magical power to be whatever she wants!.!.!.

Don't limit yourself to what you think you already know!. Open your mind up for inspiration and don't let anything go by without a good solid chance!. You'd be amazed how creative you can be if you look for inspiration in unexpected places!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You don't necessarily have to describe her much at all!. Show, don't tell!. People will imagine her as they want to imagine her!.

That said, you could go the cliched route and have her really old and ugly - the distortion in her soul echoed in her face - or you could go the other cliched route and make her really beautiful and seductive (naturally or as the result of a glamor or other magical disguise)!.

Or you could make her completely ordinary looking and unmemorable, which is an excellent sort of face for a villain to have, because when nobody notices you, you can get away with a lot!. Think The Mayor in season three of Buffy, Umbridge in Harry Potter, the pagan gods in the "A Very Supernatural Christmas" episode of Supernatural, or any of the male Cylons in the remade Battlestar Galactica!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

she should be old and have a really crooked nose, a smile that would scares herslef sometimes!. pale almost white skin and thats wat i tought ofWww@QuestionHome@Com