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Question: Tips for writing a book!.!.!.!.!.!?
i am currently writing a book (vampire romance) and i was looking for some tips!. anything will help!. i have filled up two spiral notebooks already and i am working on my third notebook!. tips!? thanks!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
? Make it different!. Nobody will buy a book, because to a lot of people, money is valuable!. People will buy the cheaper book!. If your book is any good, it will be more in demand and the book stores wil raise the price!. If yours is different, people don't have anything to choose from, so they will buy yours, rather than nothing!

?Make it funny!. Everyone wants to pick up your book when they are sad, and automatically be in a good mood!.

?Read some books!.!.!. Are there any you like!? Are there any authors that inspire you!? If so, look at that book, and jot down some things that you think the author did a good job on!.

?Make it suspenseful!. End every chapter, making the reader go on to the next chapter!. If someone is about to die, make it the beginning of the next chapter, rather than the very end where a reader knows all the info, and can just put the book down!. Besides, nobody likes to put down a book in the middle of the chapter!.

?Make sure it makes sense! =)

?Originality is important!. Don't name your characters, "Mike" and "Samantha"!. Those are names you hear all the time!. Be different!

And lastly, practice writing every!.single!.day!. It will help you improve dramatically!. Have fun writing, it is a great privelege to have the talent!. =) Good luck on your book, I am looking forward to reading it, when it sits on a shelf in Barnes & Noble!Www@QuestionHome@Com