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Question: Main incident in tom sawyer!?
What was the main incident that changed Tom!?

Was it him witnessing the murder or when he was in the cave!?
What made him more mature!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It would have to be the cave!. After finding a way out and rescuing Becky, he changed into a more mature character and, somewhat, left his boyish ways behind!. It was some time afterwards that he:

-Figured out that the treasure was still in the cave
-Talked Huck into searching for the treasure with him, thus sharing it with the homeless boy
-Talked Huck into remaining with Widow Douglas by using robbers as a ploy even tho by that time it was obvious Tom no longer wanted to be a robber

While the story basically hinged on the murder in the graveyard, Tom actually changed after being stuck in the cave for several days!. He was a different Tom when he emerged!. ,Perhaps it was because he totally had to rely on only himself to get out!. Becky totally fell apart during the ordeal; Tom was the only one with a clear head!. In order to save both of them, Tom had to use everything at his disposal (his own intelligence, kite string, candles)!. The episode gave him more self confidence in himself!. Www@QuestionHome@Com