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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What is a personal struggle Ishmael undergoes in Moby-Dick ?

Question: What is a personal struggle Ishmael undergoes in Moby-Dick !?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'd say loyalty is one!.

Captain Ahab has clearly lost it!. Does Ishmael stand by his side or abandon him!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ishmael: The narrator of the story, Ishmael disappears into his own tale after the first ten or so chapters, popping up periodically to give comments on the text!. He is an every man; as such, it is difficult to describe specific things about him!. He is a schoolteacher on the land, and has an open mind when it comes to the world around him!. also, he has prodigious knowledge of whaling, which he shares between chapters of plot in the narrative!. Ishmael is the only man aboard the Peqoud to survive the novel!. He attempts to convey to the crew especially Ahap that there is good in the world and that one has to submit to our God!. Ishmael believes he is called to whaling by the hand of Fate!. He believes the decision was already made for him!. The free will of man exists, but it is influenced by unseen forces, and leads to outcomes one cannot possibly predict!.Www@QuestionHome@Com