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Question: Is this okay for a Twilight book review!?
For the Halloween edition of my school newspaper, I thought it was perfect to do Twilight - it's about vampires, it's wildly popular, and it'll inform people who haven't read it yet!. Anyway, I'm afraid that this is too detailed and I need someone's opinion!.

Everyone knows about the book Twilight by Stephenie Meyer unless they live in a hole in the ground!. Yes, this is about vampires and this, I’m sure, would keep many people from reading it!. However, what people don’t understand is that the main plot in Twilight is not the family of vampires that are major characters in each book; rather, it is a subplot that is second only to the ongoing romance between Bella Swan, a human, and Edward Cullen, a member of said vampire family!.
After Isabella Swan’s mother, Renee, marries for the second time, Bella decides that it is in everyone’s best interest if she went back to the small, dismally rainy town of Forks, Washington on the Olympic Peninsula to live with her father!. Once she gets there, however, Bella is afraid that she has made a mistake; Forks’ small-town atmosphere isn’t so welcoming to an outsider from Arizona!. As Bella settles into a whole new routine, missing her home very much, she thinks that things aren’t going to get much better!. Slowly but surely, Bella befriends some new people that and she continues to follow her boring routine – that is, until Edward Cullen is assigned to be her science partner!. Bella had noticed Edward and the rest of his family at a different lunch table when she first started school, but, other than their striking features, thought nothing of them!. Now that she is constantly in close proximity to him, Bella notices small but unusual quirks in him: the darkening of his eyes, extreme lack of pigment, etc!. Bella thinks she is over-thinking the whole thing until a car almost runs her down!. Edward saves her life by throwing himself in between the car and Bella – and he survives to tell the tale!. Not only that, but he makes a dent in the car’s bumper!.
As Bella and Edward continue to grow closer, Edward opens up to Bella about his past, his family, and the strange things that come with being a vampire!. Worried that Bella would think he was a monster, he explains that he is a “vegetarian” vampire – he doesn’t eat people, he eats animals just like humans!. Feeling more at ease and thinking that Edward didn’t return her deep feelings for him, Bella pines for him until she discovers that he feels the same way!. As their affection for one another grows, Bella begins spending more and more time with Edward and the Cullen family!.
At one point, the Cullens are in a field playing baseball when a group of fellow vampires meet up with them!. Sensing that Bella is a human, they start to move toward her in offensive positions!. The Cullens guard her until the father of the family informs them that Bella is part of their family, too, and she is not to be harmed!. At the time, the outsider vampires accept this and leave them to their game, but later on the Cullens discover that one of the vampires has bloodlust for Bella – and nothing that the Cullens do is going to stop him!.
A fast-paced tale with a romantic plot, this story will appeal to any girl who liked The Notebook!. Granted, the plot of this book most likely steers it towards young women rather than males, but ladies, I guarantee you that you won’t be disappointed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Its a great review!. But its too detailed!.!.might ruin it for someone who plans on reading it!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think I might read it now!. That was amazing!Www@QuestionHome@Com

yea its greatWww@QuestionHome@Com

a lil bit too detailed perhaps!?

is pretty good though


Good but WAYYYY too detailed!!
Your giving out WAY too much information on the book!
People won't want to read it after reading that summary because they will know too much about it!
dont say anything about how bella finds out about Edward being a vampire or what the vampires can do!
Just say something like :

Twilight is an amazing book about an average teenage girl who moves to a town that she detests!. When she moves, she doesn't expect to like anything about it!. What she finds, though, is much different than that expectation!. She meets a gorgeous family of vampires, particularly Edward Cullen!. But they aren't the steriotypical kind of vampire, they are so much more!. Edward Cullen happens to be the most selfless and caring person she has ever met, and not only does she fall in love with him, but he falls in love with her as well!.

etc!. but dont give away all the details and what happens!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You might want to say somewhere in there that there are spoilers!. You don't want people who plan to read it to end up not being able to because you killed the story!.
Otherwise yes, it is pretty good!.
But it's not just "ladies" who read it!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I disagree with your review completely, as I am avidly anti-Twilight, but I think it's cool that someone who actually likes Twilight took the time to write a coherent review in complete sentences (Generally the reviews seem to consist of things like, "ZOMGAWD I WANT TO HAVE eDWARDsS BAbies! LIKE LOLZ I LOVE HIM lyk OMG I lyk h8 Jacob tho like URG he was no not WRITE for Bella and is like SO LYK STUPID!")!.

So, props to you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com