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Question: Is Amazon!.com good with shipping!?
I'm debating on whether I should pre-order a book or not and I wanted to know your experience with pre-ordering or ordering things!. Doe you usually get it the day it comes out of after!? especially since you order a month or two in advance!?!? Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
When you pre-order a book from Amazon, they will send you an email letting you know when you will get it!. I have gotten books on the day they come out and I have gotten them about a week after they come out!. Your best bet would probably be to just buy the book from any local retailer that has it, if you can!. If it's a book you think will sell out, then order off of Amazon to make sure your copy is reserved!. Just know that if you pre order a book, they wait until they send the book out to bill your credit card in most cases!. So make sure you have the money on there the day the book comes out, or about a week before!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends on the book and if publisher has given permission for the book to enter the mail before the official release!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

From my experience ordering things, yes they come the day it says they will!. I've never preordered anything though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've gotten my pre-order items the day they are supposed to come out before!. I think it may depend on the item to be honest!Www@QuestionHome@Com