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Question: Treasure island question!.!?
1!. why were the people of treasure island afaid of the inn!?

2!.what things did the dead seaman box contain!?what atical was most important!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't think people are afraid of the inn!. What the pirate, billy Bones, is afraid of is that he will be found by the other pirates who are looking for him because he has stolen the map of Treasure Island!. and one of the scariest scenes in the book is when Blind Pugh comes to the inn to give him the Black Spot!. It is Blind Pugh who is scary rather than the inn!.

and the treasure map is the important article that is found in his box!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think you've read the book and this is a homework project!.Ben Gunn was the sole live inhabitant actually on Treasure Island having been left there to die and went totally insane,the inn was The Admiral Benbow and that was in Blighty not on the island!.Plan or map to Treasure Island and where the Treasure was buried was the article in the chest!.You should read it,its a very good read even in this time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com