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Question: Are Fanfictions legal!?
As long as you never intend to publish it or pretend to hold any claim over any characters other than your original ones, they're legal right-to post on sites like quizilla or mibba!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
As long as you make no money off it (including advertising or salary!.) There isn't any beef!. Unfortunately, many fan fiction writers, after wasting their time writing books based on someone else's work, seem to think they somehow have a right to sell their books!. The same for people who spend hours writing "reader's guides!."

It's a fairly simple right, the right to own your ideas, yet many people seem to think that reading someones ideas and enjoying them somehow gives them the right to use those original thoughts to scam money off other fans, invent roll playing games, or write sequels!.

If you're going to write a book, why not put that effort into something original!?


Most authors won't give a damn if you aren't making money off of their characters!.But unfortunately there is that one insane nut *cough*AnneRice*Cough* that might go after you for using their characters!.
Generally you're safe, but if the original author ever contacts you to take it down you better do it because they can take legal action!.

Anne Rice sued a college student for writing a fanfic about the vampire chronicles!.Www@QuestionHome@Com