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Question: Twilight saga question!!!?
Ok i lust got finised reading this part in new moon i read the series 2x already but i never get this one part in new moon
it is in Chapter 6: Angela says "Thanks for speaking up, sticking up for me" when she says that to Bella
wut does she mean i cant figure it out!!
plz plz help!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Bella said she believed what Angela said!. She confirmed that the police were searching for huge bears around the city (a!.k!.a!. Jacob and the pack!.) Bella was the only one to stick up for Angela and to believe her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well during lunch everyone is making fun of angela because she said that ben and her saw some "giant bear" in a clearing where they were going to go and have a picnic!. Everyone was like "oh not you to" Meaning that they can't believe they are saying that the "giant bear" story is true!. Bella sticks up for her saying that some hickers that came through the store that she works at claiming they saw the "giant bear" as well!. so basically bella is giving some kind of confirmation to what angela thought she saw in the clearing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As the other two mentioned, Bella believed her when Angela mentioned the bear sighting!. I always got the impression that Angela was kind of soft spoken and never really spoke out about anything, so when she did, and it was about this, people didn't react how she thought they would!. Bella reacted kindly by saying she believed her!. :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because Angela is saying that there is a "bear" loose in the woods, and everyone thinks she's crazy for saying that, but Bella goes and says "no, guys there really is one!.!.!.i hear people talk about it at Newtons" and she has seen them too!. So Angela is happy that Bella made her not look stupid!.Www@QuestionHome@Com