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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I need your openion (srry bad speller) on this idea?

Question: I need your openion (srry bad speller) on this idea!?
please don't steal this idea but i am making like this little book thing and its called "The Seeing child" it is manga and it is about a girl who can see the near by future and her parent's gave her up because they thought she was different and weird but this power will soon help her town from doom!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yeah but I think That's So Raven is more suitable- Just Kidding!. I really think that sounds like a great book- I promise I won't copy! I'll just be waiting to hear from the publishers about your book!.!.;) I really want to read it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

To start on a tangent, the first thing that came to mind was Alice Cullen from the Twilight series!. Moving on, I think this would make a good story if only there was a bit more to it!. Perhaps a side plot or large characterizing conflict!.

also, I think the fact that you're making it into a manga makes it a bit more interesting!. There's just something about drawings and words put together that screams "awesomeness!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its been done before!.!.!.

but the only way I could see it working was if the future actually did come true! not the whole doom part!. But what if she sees the future, tries to avoid it but happens!. Then she figures the second time around I will do nothing and then it happens again!.!.!.it could lead the main character on some life quest learning about the past present and future!. I might be interested in that!. But the whole see the future and change it thing has been done too many times alreadyWww@QuestionHome@Com

A much used idea, but none the worse for that!. Try to expand the idea before you begin the hard, nose to the grindstone, work of the actual writing!.
Does she survive !? The form of her 'seeing' - try to think up something new!. Are the 'futures' all concerned with one aspect of existence!.
What is the 'doom' !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

sounds interesting to me!.!. maybe you could find a way to put in a reason why they gave her away like they were bad people or they die in a tragic accident or something and she can predict it and tries to save them!.!.!.!. lol!.!. sorry I am just going on and on!.!.!. just trying to help!.!. I admire you!.!. I wish I had it in me to write a book!.!. xoxoxWww@QuestionHome@Com

Foreshadowing- you need another conflict like!.!.!.!.somebody knows about her powers and try to harness it themselves!.!.!.!?Www@QuestionHome@Com