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Question: Breaking Dawn Question ! I pick best answer!!?
Okay so I am like at the end of Breaking Dawn when they just found out the the vountri is coming after Bella's baby!. I'm not quite sure abount how Edward and Carslie are planning something and is Jacob going to Brazil with Bella and her baby without Edward or are they going somewhere without Edward!?

Thanks in advance!.
best answer 10 points!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Bella is arranging for Renesmee and Jacob to go to Brazil
Her plan is to get them out just in case they're killed in the battle with the Volturi
Bella is sad to do this but she loves Renesmee and jacob to much to see them die

also, Bella can't tell Edward because then aro will see it when he reads edward's mind

NOOOO, thats not right!.

Bella has always said that her place was with her husband, she can't live without him blah blah blah!.

Alice Cullen left clues for Bella in her old copy of Wuthering Heights!. It tells her to go meet a man named J!.Jenks, and when Bella goes to meet him she finds out he is able to make illegal documents, in order to change names, birth certificate, etc!. Bella buys all new papers for both Jacob and Bella because Jacob imprinted on Renesmee and he is the only one she trusts with her daughter!.

Before the fight with the Volturri, Bella gives Renesmee a backpack filled with all of the papers needed for her escape!. Bella tells Renesmee that if they have to fight that she will have to leave her in order to be safe!. So then Bella tells Jacob, (when she thinks all hope is lost) to take Renesmee and run as far as he can away from that place!.

Bella was never going to leave with Jacob!. Jacob was going to take Renesmee and act as her father!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ummmm!.!.!.!. Bella isn't going to Brazil!. She wouldn't leave Edward and the rest of the family!.
Edward and Carlisle are just getting people to tell the truth about Renesmee!.
But keep reading it gets good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No Bella set it up so that Jake would take her, cuz Bella expected that she and Edward would be dead, so Jake would have to take care of the baby!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just read the book!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why would you want to spoil it!? I will tell you this though!.!.!.they don't go anywhere!. That's all you get to know! ^!.~Www@QuestionHome@Com