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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I have a collection of about 20 small paperback books by Enid Blyton from 1949/5

Question: I have a collection of about 20 small paperback books by Enid Blyton from 1949/50, are these worth anything!?
i have a small collection of these very lightweight paperback books (like small comics), all of them published in 1949/50, some in very good condition, a couple have a few torn pages as they were my nan's from when she was a child!.!.!.!.they have the stories of the golliwogs and many many more, they also have old advertisements in them!. just wondered if they will be worth anything in time!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I did a search for you for her paperbacks published between 1946 and 1951 to be on the safe side!.

Looks like you've got something cool there!. The ripped up ones won't do you much good but if they are in good shape they could be nicely valued!.
Scroll through the descriptions and find books that match the publisher, date and condition to find what yours might be worth!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

A quick scan of Ebay says that the author's books sell in reasonable numbers for small amounts!. Touted as one of the most popular writers in the world, Blyton seems to have a devoted enough following to make her books a collectible rather than rubbish to be discarded!. So I doubt they're get rich valuable, but they might be worth something if they're rare!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends on several factors, most of which cannot be accurately determined over the internet!.

The condition of the books,
The fame and skill of the author,
The rarity of the specific books in question,
and which edition they are!.

Your best bet is to find a rare book dealer locally and have him or her evaluate the books for you!.
