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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What is one book that you have read, that you would love to see made into a movi

Question: What is one book that you have read, that you would love to see made into a movie!?
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"WERE BACK" this is so great!!!!!!! yeah yeah yeah

ok question: The most recent book I have read that I would love to see made into a movie is my own diary, I guarantee Sold Out,,,,I don't know about those fat old critics but the rest of us with sense of humors would love it, lmao: tell me this isn't original,,,,,,

Thank you YahooWww@QuestionHome@Com

I recently saw the movie on David Copperfield, the one starring Daniel Radcliffe, and it was very good!. Though, I would have liked it to be a bit closer to the original text!.

I would appreciate a movie on The Clear Light of Day by Anita Desai!. I think Chekovian novels are difficult to translate on screen!.

TW KWww@QuestionHome@Com

"Vertical Run" by Joseph Garber!.

What if you got to work early one morning, and everybody you saw tried to kill you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Legend of the Firefish!!!

The Hobbit!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Any of the 'In Death' series by J!.D!. Robb (Nora Roberts)Www@QuestionHome@Com