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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I received two books by Mary J. Holmes, they are Cousin Maude and Dora Deane.?

Question: I received two books by Mary J!. Holmes, they are Cousin Maude and Dora Deane!.!?
The books do not have a date in them and they are fairly old (yellow pages, book starting to come apart at the seams) and I was wondering if anyone knew that date they were released or published and if they may be worth some money!. I got the books free and I don't know if they are antiques or not!. Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

if the spine or covers are starting to come off then they won't be worth very much!. Condition is the name of the game in book collecting!.
However check out the link I gave you!. I only searched for cousin maude, You can search for Dora Deane there as well!.

Check for the publisher's name and put that in the advanced search as well!. that should tell you how old it is (most of the time)

Actually if in good condition they might have been pretty valuable from what I see on the site!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pretty much worthless!.


im not sureWww@QuestionHome@Com