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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does anyone know where I can read this book online...?

Question: Does anyone know where I can read this book online!.!.!.!?
Ghost Girl!.
Tony Hayden!.

Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Did you mean the book 'Ghost Girl' by the author 'Torey Hayden'!?

Torey's website says that this book was first published in 1991, and as such is not going to be out of copyright, hence it is very unlikely that there will be a full version of the text to read online!.

If you want to have a copy for yourself, the next best thing is to have a look on Amazon or another bookstore to see the cost of buying it secondhand (www!.play!.com have it going for £3!.99 with free delivery secondhand, Amazon resellers have it for 1p, with £2!.75 shipping)!. It's really the cheapest way to buy books to read!.

If you wanted to read it for free, I'm sure your local library will have it!. If they don't, ask them to request it - it can be got for you from another library in the area and kept aside for you!. It's all free, and you can keep it out as long as it takes you to read it!.

Hope you find what you're looking for!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All copyrighted material is illegal to download!. Here are some sites that have non-copywrited material for reading:


Unless an author puts it on his website and invites you to read it for free, a book is not legal to read online!.

Tony Hayden is not giving the book away for free so you have to buy it!. Authors deserve the right to make a living!.Www@QuestionHome@Com