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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Who do you like better, Edward Cullen or Jacob Black?

Question: Who do you like better, Edward Cullen or Jacob Black!?
Personally, as much I love to complain about this book and state how it's poorly written, I can't help but say I'm also in love with it at the same time!. - It kinda pisses me off because the magic it holds keeps me captivated!.

I liked Jacob Black throughout this series the best!.
It seems like Edward Cullen was to fake to believe in!. He was too perfect and that's not relality!. With that being said, Jacob was once human and had flaws!. He wasn't that attractive looking and it was noticeable to the human eye!. Whereas when Bella would stare at Edward, she saw his beauty!.
I thought that Jacob was better to Bella, in the sense that he protected her, and didn't want her to get hurt!. Edward put Bella in danger the moment he saved her from the car!. He should have left it at that, and let her be!.
Atleast Jacob was there to protect Bella from the Bloodsuckers, and he treated Bella like they were close, almost family like!. ex) When he brought Bella over to Sam's house and she got to witness how tight of a bond they all had!.
Where as with Edwards family yes, they were extremly close, however it seemed like Alice and Edward and his parents only welcomed her, Rosalind didn't!.
I'm a fan of Jacob regardless of his age, I thought he was a real character in my eyes, where Edward was to good to be true, and it was fake!.
This is my opinion and of course, it's biased!.

What are your thoughts!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Bella can have Edward if i can have Jacob ;+)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I LOVE both!.

Go Jacob and Edward!!!!!

Jacob Black!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jacob alllllll the way :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

I disagree with you completley!. I like edward the best and NEWFLASH!!!THIS IS NOT A REAL BOOK!!!!
Edward is discribed as "too good to be human"and that is exactly what he is!.!.!.!.not human!. Jacob is pushy and obnoxious and wants bella all to himself so he can go and do his nasty little things with her!.
And havent you even read the books!?Rosalie doesnt like bella because she chooses to become a vampire and rosalie says that if she were to live happily ever after!.!.!.!.she would be under a gravestone right now!.And emmett loved bella!.And jasper learned to love her and now rosalie loves her but still hates the fact that she became a vampire!.
I am not trying to be mean but this is my opinion!.

And let people dream!.Vampires arent real so stephanie meyer created these books so they could have a fantasy!.Jacob isnt real either but not alot of people dream about him as they do for edward!.Www@QuestionHome@Com