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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What are some unfamiliar words in "The Necklace"?

Question: What are some unfamiliar words in "The Necklace"!?
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Are you referring to The Necklace by Guy de Maupaussant!? If so, you can check through the story here http://www!.classicshorts!.com/stories/nec!.!.!.

Whether or not the words are unfamiliar depends on each reader!.

Are words like!.!.!.
-usurer (someone who lends money at excessive rates of interest)
-shabbiness (a lack of elegance as a consequence of wearing threadbare or dirty clothing)
-stupefied (as if struck dumb with astonishment and surprise)
-fruiterer (British: a person who sells fruit)
-privation (state of extreme poverty)
-bewilderment (confusion resulting from failure to understand)
-petulantly (in an irritable or testy manner; touchy)
-inscrutable (of an obscure or unclear nature)
-nimbleness (intelligence as revealed by quickness and alertness of mind)
-antechamber (a large entrance or reception room or area)
-volition (the act of making a choice)
-ecstatically (in a rapturous or joyous manner)
-homage (respectful deference)
-tremendous (extreme in degree or extent or amount or impact!.!.!.which is one of several definitions)
-frenziedly (in a hectic, agitated or wild manner)
!.!.!.familiar to you!?

I hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

coquettish, pot-au-feu, privation, noctambulant, coupes, chagrin!.

Hope that helps!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com