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Question: Some fantasy ideas please!!?
hi im have to write a fantasy book (well the first chapter but i want to continue) for my school work but i cannot find anything to do it on could you please give me some ideas
thanks beforehand
lisa xoxox


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
An undead fool is hunting in a lost slum!. His village is abducted by a rabid barbarian!. With the help of a bold thief, he must transform into a beast in order to save his lover!.

A corrupt mage queen is dying in a dilapidated valley!. Her soul is set alight by an unnatural mob!. With the help of a wealthy hermit, she must solve the sorceror's riddle in order to save her tribe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I suggest you check into Asian/Indian mythology for ideas!. Those cultures are rich with the supernatural, and are rarely tapped for Western fiction!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Knight in shining armour rescuing damsel in distress from fire breathing dragon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

rethink jean paul sartres no exit!. thatd be badass!.Www@QuestionHome@Com